Colours in Culture and Science

Farben in Kulturgeschichte und Naturwissenschaft
Interdisziplinäres Symposium,
Hamburg, 12.-15. Oktober 2010
organised by
Gudrun Wolfschmidt
Registration and Conference Fee
- If you like to participate, please register for attending the symposium
until August 30, 2010.
- If you would like to give a lecture, please announce until August 30, 2010.
- Late registration is possible until September 30, 2010
(in order to be published in the list of participants).
- You can also participate without announcing before and pay the registration fee just when you are there, but it is very convinient
for our planning to know the number of participants before.
Here is the registration form available:
Please e-mail it to me
e-mail wolfschmidt
or fax it to our Institute for History of Science:
Fax: +49 40-42838-5260
Symposium Colours in Culture and Science
October 12-15, 2010
Registrant Profile
Title ...
First Name ...
Last Name ...
University/Institution ...
Institute/Department ...
Address ...
Post code and City ...
Country ...
Phone Number ...
Fax Number ...
Email Address ...
Please just copy these lines in an e-mail.
Conference fee
The conference fee is payable when you arrive at the registration desk;
it includes the registration (name badge) and conference materials,
coffee breaks and receptions.
You need your name badges for the coffee breaks and receptions.
Hotel for invited speakers
The hotel reservation is only possible until September 10, 2010; later you have to make the booking by yourself and you get reimbursed later (maximum 80 Euros per night).
List of participants