This symposium celebrates the era and work of Franz Xaver von Zach on the
250th anniversary of his birth.
The meeting will bring together international experts in the history of
science to present papers on the following topics.
Topics covered
- Biographical aspects
- Scientific periodicals
- Meetings of scientists
- Enlightenment, freemasonry and religious orders
- Interaction with politics
- The role of 'managers of science'
- Gauss and the Hungarian science
- The evolution of star catalogues
- Minor planets and celestial mechanics
- Astrogeodetic instruments
- Local and global geodesy and navigation
- Civil and military cartography
- Geography and geophysics
Sept. 15 to Sept. 17, 2004. The symposium precedes the autumn meeting of
the Astronomische Gesellschaft, held in Prague at Sept. 20-25, 2004.
The meeting will take place in the main building of the Hungarian Academy
of Sciences in Budapest, Hungary.
In medium category hotels, next to the building of the Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, cost per night: 65 Euro in a single and 85 Euro in a double room
(including breakfast).
Participation is open for everybody who is interested in this subject.
Interested participants are invited to register with the enclosed
registration form. There is no registration fee. Accompanying persons are
We intend to publish proceedings of the symposium.
Scientific Organizing Committee:
- Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche(Chairman), Observatorium Hoher List der Sternwarte der Universität Bonn, D-54550 Daun
Tel.: +49-6592-2150, Fax: +49-6592-985140
- James Caplan, Observatoire Astronomique de Marseille-Provence
Fax: +33-4-91621190
- Anita McConnell, London
- Gudrun Wolfschmidt,
IGN, Hamburg University
Tel. +49-40-42838-5262, Fax +49-40-42838-5260
Local Organizing Committee (Budapest):
- Béla Balázs, Eötvös Loránd University
- Lajos G. Bálazs (chairman), Konkoly Observatory
László Patkós, Konkoly Observatory
- Magda Vargha, Konkoly Observatory
- Endre Zsoldos, Konkoly Observatory
The era and work of Franz Xaver von Zach
Budapest 15-17 September
Family name:
First name:
Postal address:
E-mail address:
Number of accompanying persons:
I would like to present a paper
Intended duration of talk:
Accommodation: please indicate your choice:
I prefer single occupancy
I wish to share a double room with:
Return to: Prof. L.G. Balazs
Konkoly Observatory
P.O. Box 67
H-1525 Budapest, Hungary
Fax: +36-1-275-4668
e-mail: balazs@konkoly.hu