The Working Group for the History of Astronomy will hold a Colloquium on "Development of Solar Research" on Monday, 15 September 2003, in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. The Colloquium is a component of the Annual Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft (AG) to be held in Freiburg from 15-20 September 2003. However, separate participation in the Colloquium is possible, in particular for non-members of the AG.
Because the Kiepenheuer-Institut fuer Sonnenphysik (KIS) (and links therein to the AG meeting) is located in Freiburg, the Working Group for the History of Astronomy has proposed the Colloquium theme "Development of Solar Research".
Participants are invited to an informal get-together beginning at 19.30 on Sunday, 14 September, in the restaurant DIMITRA (Eisenbahnstrasse 47, opposite of the central railway station, in the cellar of the Hotel "Rheingold") in Freiburg.
The Colloquium itself is scheduled for Monday, 15 September 2003, from 9.00 to 17.00, in the AG's meeting area in the "Institutsviertel" of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg, in the building "Hochhaus 21a" of the Chemisches Laboratorium and the Physikalisches Institut; lectures will be in Hoersaal 1 and coffee breaks will be in the foyer.
Fee for the meeting: 20 Euros, which will contribute towards financing publication of the meeting contributions. This fee does not apply to those taking part in the general AG Meeting, for which the participation fee includes the cost of this Colloquium.
Webpages of the Colloquium:
Colloquium of the Working Group for History of Astronomy
Webpages of the general AG Meeting:
Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft 2003
Registration for the AG Meeting as well as booking of hotel rooms by:
CSM Congress and Seminar Management
Industriestrasse 35
82194 Groebenzell/Muenchen
Tel.: +49-8142-570183, Fax: +49-8142-54735
Detailed information on registration as well as hotel booking (unless you wish to do this yourself) can be found on the conference web pages.
Administrative information:
Assessorin jur. Ute Rynarzewski
Kiepenheuer-Institut fuer Sonnenphysik
Schoeneckstrasse 6
79104 Freiburg i. Br.
Tel.: +49-761-3198-0 (secretary's office)
Fax: +49-761-3198-111
für Sonnenphysik (KIS)
Thematically the colloquium is open to all contributions on the history of solar research, thus not only the history of solar physics. The topic is intentionally very open: lectures can concern sun cults of ancient cultures, Stonehenge or the sky disk of Nebra, continuing through the discovery and observation of sunspots in early modern times. The emphasis, however, should be on the 19th century, with the beginnings of solar physics starting with Fraunhofer's discovery of the dark lines in the solar spectrum: photography of the Sun (also with the heliograph), solar eclipse expeditions, clarification of the nature of the prominences, the discovery of the chromosphere, observation of the corona and its spectrum, study of magnetic fields, new instruments of solar physics such as solar towers, spectroheliographs, coronographs, etc. The history of solar observatories is also a relevant topic. In the 20th century, questions concern solar physics during the Nazi era. For the second half of the 20th century, one could include solar observations from space, and international cooperation in solar research, e.g. JOSO.
Coordinators of the colloquium:
Please direct your inquiries and your registration for the colloquium to
Ms. Wolfschmidt, and well as to at least one of the other two coordinators,
with whom your speaking time (presumably no more than 20 min) must be
agreed upon. Please register even if you do not give a talk, so that the
program can be sent to you. Talks can be given in English or German.
Deadline for abstracts, in English (even if the talk is given in
German!): to be submitted by e-mail until
Further local information is available from Dr. Wolfgang Schmidt (see address above). After the conference a Proceedings volume is planned (depending, however, on the financial situation!): "Development of Solar Research" - Acta Historica Astronomiae (ISSN: 1422-8521), Verlag Harri Deutsch.
Under Construction!
September 9, 2003
Institut für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und