Institute for the History of Natural Sciences,
Mathematics and Technology
Overview of the Courses offered by the IGN
in Summer Term 2004
Kurzübersicht über Lehrveranstaltungen im Summersemester 2004
Main Lectures
- for students of all departments (faculties) -
- Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Stefan Kirschner
General history of science and technology II (Middle Ages and Early Modern)
- Gudrun Wolfschmidt
History of physics and chemistry IV (20th century)
- Stefan Kirschner
History of biology IV (19th to 20th centuries)
Special Lectures
- Stefan Kirschner
History of science with a special emphasis on history of pharmacy
- Peter Ullrich
Milestones in the historical development of mathematics
- Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Stefan Kirschner
Seminar on general history of science and technology II
- Gudrun Wolfschmidt
Seminar on history of physics and chemistry IV
(20th century)
- Stefan Kirschner
Seminar on history of biology IV
(19th to 20th centuries)
- Cornelia Lüdecke
Seminar zur Einführung in die naturwissenschaftshistorische Arbeitsmethodik
Blockveranstaltung 29.03. - 2.04.2004, Mo-Fr 11 - 17 Uhr, Geom E 11/13
- Dirk Siebers, Gudrun Wolfschmidt
Seminar: Reading and analysis of alchemistic literature as well as
metallurgical literature of Early Modern time
- Torsten Rüting
Seminar: Construction of manliness and womanliness in the biology of the 20. century
- Igor Abdrakhmanov
Seminar: West - East? North - South?
The science and the scientists in the European-asiatic region
- Peter Ullrich
Seminar: History of mathematics, especially analysis
- Günther Oestmann
Seminar: History of astronomy: The tools of medieval astronomers
- Peter Heering (University of Oldenburg)
Seminar on history of physics:
Analyzing by doing historical experiments in the field of physics
(Saturday May 29 and June 26, 2004, 9 - 18 h
University Oldenburg - Standort Wechloy)
Information: April 20, 2004, 14 - 16 Geom H 6
- Elena Roussanova
Seminar on the history of chemistry:
Expedition through the history of chemistry
(especially for high school teacher students)
- Elena Roussanova
Seminar on the history of chemistry:
Friedrich Konrad Beilstein (1838-1906) - the chemist and his work
(especially for high school teacher students)
- Torsten Rüting
Seminar on the history of biology:
Medicine and ,,Kognitionswissenschaften'': More than the sum of the parts.
The reductionism problem and experiments for the conquest in the biology
of the 20. century
- Philip Beeley
Working group: Archiving and editing of scientists' papers
- Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Karin Reich
Colloquium on recent research and new trends
in the history of science, mathematics and technology
- Gudrun Wolfschmidt
EXcursion in history of science and technology
(5 days): Paris, June 26-30, 2004
Information: 29.04.2004, 18.00, Geom E 11/13
Gudrun Wolfschmidt
April 2, 2004
Institut für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften,
Mathematik und Technik
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Institute for History of Science, Mathematics, and Technology